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And now the curtain rises

  • 👤 On a mission to become a Cybersecurity Specialist.

  • ❤️ I love writing, FOSS, and creating amazing things.

  • 🎯 Technical Skills


    ScriptingBabashka, BASH, SQL, Clojure, JavaScript
    FrontendHTML, TailwindCSS, ClojureScript, React, Vite, CSS, Markdown
    BackendJVM, Nginx, Hugo, NodeJS
    CloudNetlify, Nextcloud, Heroku, GitHub, GitLab
    DevOpsDocker, Gitea, Raspberry PI, JVM, CI/CD
    OSLinux, MacOS, Windows, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Kali Linux, ParrotOS, iOS, Android, LineageOS, Raspbian
    SecurityWireshark, nmap, Metasploit, OpenSSH, UFW Firewall, SSH, certbot, GPG/PGP, pihole
    EditorsEmacs, VIM, VSCode
    Tools & FrameworksTailwindCSS, Hugo, Wordpress, LaTeX, ChatGPT

  • 📬 Visit my work at github.com/stindrago for an immersive experience.

  • 🌐 Fluent in Italian, Romanian, and English.

  • 👀 Skilled in log analysis, network traffic analysis, vulnerability assessment, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

  • 😄 Personal pronouns: He/Him.

  • ⚡️ Fun fact: I’m a die hard supporter of Clojure and functional programming.

Reach out to me by sending an instant message at matrix.org or by email at costin@dragoi.me.

Costin Dragoi - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy